Sunday, 2 January 2011

handsome handsun and mother earth

This  "handsome"  HandSun
surrounds the Turtle,  Native American symbol for Mother Earth,
nurturing and protecting it,
Beautiful Mother Earth,  who feeds and protects us and provides abundance for all.

I enjoyed playing today with pen and India ink,
brush painting it in with transparent coloured inks
on acid-free oatmeal coloured paper.

I have been trusting myself a lot more of late,  following a line of thought,  or should I say intuition,  not knowing where it will take me.  This has led me into unexpected territory where I hate to turn out the light at night,  and can't sleep in for all the creative ideas that begin to buzz with the slightest bit of waking in the early morning.  

So,  even though I'm a little sleep-deprived,  there's an extra spice to life as I play at the edges of my dreams.   Hearing one's own voice:  I believe that's the same  "final frontier"  as outer space has been described .   "As within, so without".   We each evolve from a zero point as does the Infinite and we are more likely to understand that,  not through intellect but through intuition,  not through feeling or sensation, but through partnering with Life itself as manifested in our very selves.  This state is most easily accessed through abandoning attachment,  especially to thought,  feeling and sensation,  most easily achieved through meditation. 

True creativity appears to come out of chaos because we invite the mind to abandon predictable patterns of thinking and challenge it to operate with hitherto unknown criteria.  You can provoke a creative response by suggesting   'what if...?',   but try playing with  even more outrageous,  "nonsensical"  suppositions without support of logic to see what frontiers you discover.   It was Albert Einstein who said,  "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

 we can  make this world a better place each with our own gratitude and joy
it only takes one grain of sand to tip the balance


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