Sunday, 1 January 2012

Daily Project 2012: day one

Well here we are on the first page of a fresh new year.   I hope you like the new design.  I'm altogether tickled with it!  It does seem altogether too easy to require too much of ourselves on New Year's Day;   already I've broken 2 or 3 resolutions as I scramble to get so much done in so little time.  Why is it that exercise and meditation are the first to go?  I was afraid I might not even meet Day One of my daily project.  But with little more than an hour to go til midnight, I have a little watercolour to show you of my Christmas doll.

I can't begin to tell you how delighted I am with this little doll made of composition material - probably sawdust and glue.  I am guessing it was a souvenire doll made for the American market in the 1920's.   The front of his clothes have faded to these beautiful sage and golden peach colours while the back of his jacket is a garish blue, his pants a bright yellow!  I love the faded side.

He'll need a name.  I'm open to suggestions.   Have you any ideas?

#1 a quick little watercolour

Thank you for stopping by and having a look at what I'm up to.  Did I mention I'm rather excited about the whole thing?   This is just the kind of challenge I need to get the old girl going :)  Check out Cathy Cullis' post for some ideas of your own.

 It all starts with the first step.   Stay in your centre and you will be surprised what can happen!



Snail Cloth said...

I don't have a name for your doll...but I have just finished the series by Pearl S. Buck The Good Earth, The Sons and A House Divided, and would highly recommend this trilogy.

Happy New Year.

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

What a great and timely idea! I have The Good Earth in the house somewhere among the other classics I mean to read. Thank you for dropping in!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

It all starts with the first step. Stay in your centre and you will be surprised what can happen!

Love that. I move in and out of center, but still, the center is "home".

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

Thank you so much for dropping in, Leslie. Yes, it is hard to stay so present and centred in one's life; it takes great commitment to break away from the ego and reaction to that constant place of peace, observing with the inner eye.

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