And here we are with another installment, the third and final, of our trip to an old, well-established park in the middle of Halifax
It's been a long time since I've seen a public drinking fountain,
rural, and now small town girl that I am,
( though always with a touch of the city, albeit a long time ago, in me.)
Here we are just out of the front entrance. Yes, we're going to take a little detour this time before I finish this post with the last of my pictures of the Halifax Public Gardens, because what we actually came to see was the summer exhibition of members of the Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council just across the street.
To my delight, a statue of a poet, of all people, and a Scottish poet at that,
considering we were in New (Nova) Scotland (Scotia)
Gude auld Robbie Burns
The show was very pleasant
It's always cool to see artisans demonstating their craft
I'm sure this delightfully out-fitted onlooker agrees.
After the show, we wandered in and out of funky little shops,
this one a real throw back to the hippy type of shops of my youth.
The changeroom in this shop was filled with old skeleton key door lock plates
a closer look
An old sidewalk. At first I thought this was a date below the street name.
If that was so, this would be a miraculous formula for concrete.
I've since determined that it is a street number. Now that makes more sense!
Across the way, a massive building site,
a fabulous old building on its perimeter.
And another fabulous old building on Sackville Street, across from Citadel Hill around the corner from the construction site.
As we walked back towards the park, we came upon another interesting piece of concrete, a weeping retaining wall.
a detail of the shot above
and another section of the wall
Now we've returned to the park from the back end,
walking back towards our starting point at the opposite corner
And here is another really really big tree worth recording,
scarred with writing all around
stoically healing itself over the years
even nurturing a little plant
and now we've arrived at the back end of the pond
worthy of a romantic sepia-toned shot
There is a surprising amount of wild naturalness left
We come to a cabin with its deck overhanging the pond.
To the left you can see the fountain that was in my 1st post, the one close to the back entrance through which we originally came.
What could be more romantic than an overhanging deck
surrounded with flowers?
Below, dozens of coy
a particularly handsome one
and all about us exotic flowers
with the most frilly petals.
Beyond, a gorgeous walk along the perimeter of the pond,
and then, the mighty tree-lined promenade, as we leave,
finding our car in the shade where we were glad to rest, happily weary.
And so ends our day at the park and a bit of downtown Halifax,
all wrapped up in 3 chapters.
Thank you for coming along.
Sweet Summer Dreams to you.
til next time....
It doesn't look so hot...I mean temperature-wise
beautiful park
and nice hair cut, Wally
I'll pass your compliment along Barbara. Thanks.
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