Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Christmas Lights and New Year's message

Every Christmas Eve Wally and I make an excursion into the surrounding area to view the Christmas lights.  I imagine giving anonymous prizes. Wouldn't that be fun...

This little house on the way to Wolfville always delights me.
Over 2 years here and we still go to see the houses we once thought we'd buy.
The one on this street in Port Williams was lit up and they were having a party. This is not it, but the house at the corner whose massive tree I adore, absolutely adore.

A huge wreath on the house next door

This sweet little property down the road a ways, with a lit up tree on the porch.
Wally took a detour into farmland where we found this beauty.
By now it was quite dark with a fine mist falling.
These were jolly big trees.  Do you see the Santa on the roof?
There he is!
Here was a sweet little house on a short side road worth stopping for, full of pizzazz.
The house next door just as full of pizzazz.

And up the long driveway just beside them, a fabulous display, like stationary fireworks.
(Don't mind those spots of mist; I lost so many more photos totally wiped out by the mist.)
a pretty house simply embellished with a spotlight and a wreath
and home again to our humble display, still cheery on this misty Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day was magical in a new way for us. No Snow. Just hurricane force winds... and rain.
At one point the rain was blown sideways in huge white gusts over the back field, so that we thought our walk in the amazingly warm 17 degrees C. would have to be postponed. But, as luck would have it, the wind died down and we headed over to the Bird Sanctuary to walk the trails. We were tickled to have the whole place to ourselves except for the ducks and the cardinals and chickadees in the warm fine rain. The wild bright red rose hips hung in vast sprays, each one decorated with a hanging drop of crystal water like ice on holly, surprisingly Christmasy.  Alas, no pictures.
Boxing Day we headed out for round 2 of our Christmas Lights tour.
I quickly grabbed a shot of our neighbour's funky display.
I get the feeling this little tree next to our house is just for us.  So sweet.
Downtown Kentville under the moon.
A little house with a vast display.
A couple of...
favourites in Berwick.
So that wraps up 2014.
How pleased I am to be starting a new year. Of course, I know it's all arbitrary, this idea of starting.
We measure our lives in so many ways: by the calendar, the clock, birthdays, events, milestones.
I am happy for any excuse that wakens me up to the beauty of the moment and the opportunity to be excited about change, positive change. I've made a few promises to myself, recommitting to my self, my values; resolutions if you will. They aren't the rigid kind, so hopefully they'll "stick".
And this is my New Year's Eve wish for you, for us all:
  •  that we live in kindness to ourselves that we can truly understand compassion towards others
  •  that we honour our health that we may feel vital in terms of our value and our energy.
  • that we welcome joy into our lives like the true friend that it is
Happy New Times
peace on earth


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