Thursday, 30 April 2015

Christmas in April

Well, just to round this difficult and at times most beautiful month out, we've had to make the trip to Truro twice. On Monday it SNOWED! I think I must be the only one who enjoyed it. It certainly made for some very atmospheric photographs. I hope you enjoy them, despite the blur from a moving car..

There is a beautiful bend in the road that I love where this gracious park setting lays

and this is the old house to which it belongs

Soon we're at the 3 corner junction in Brooklyn marked by Shirley's Pizza Grocery.
If you recall from "Anne of Green Gables", Shirley can be a last name as it was for Anne.

a sweet little green house in town

Mostly we saw rolling hills and farmland. I love this stately stand of trees that serve as wind shelter.
Wally told me that this late spring snow has been called "the poor man's fertilizer" as it puts a dose of nitrogen into the ground with its quick melt. Is it so? We don't know.

as these trees do here that shelter this lovely old home

Most of the old houses we saw stand alone without neighbours

a lovely expanse of flooded river

It's such a treat to get a strong silhouette of a healthy mature tree

Here's a sweet place to come home to

This was a long trip. 

Trying to capture these scenes from a moving car was a pleasant distraction.

Mighty denizen, roadside guardian

Christmas in April

an old rural fence

a creek divides two fields

The kind of scrubby old trees as one gets nearer the main highway

an old willow across a pond

a rush-skirted pond

a rural charmer

Now we are on the slow road northwest to Truro
 because Wally wanted to avoid the highway in this "greasy" weather
We see a few of these farmhouses situated at the top of a lonely hill

We come through the town of Shubenacadie, affectionately known as Shubie

as we near Truro, the houses are still simple but the properties get nicer, more cared for
This one is as pretty as a Christmas card

beautiful landscaping precedes this simple home

now we are in Truro and this plain house is one of too many 
I like to show you the pretty ones, but really this is the bulk of reality

Here is a glimpse of the original Stanfield's factory.
Older Canadians will recognize this company as the standard in underwear from yesteryear.

There are some wonderful old buildings downtown.
Here is a romantic detail of an old church

Truro's courthouse with the statue carved from an old tree, 
not uncommon around town

Another carving, as we drive through town

a stately mansion

and I leave you here.

 As circumstances would have it, we did this trip again two days later, that is, yesterday. 
 I will post some pictures tomorrow.

As you can see, there are still patches of snow on the ground. It can be the typical damp cold on some days, and others, quite balmy. In other words, a nice slow slide into spring, where we get a real one, and notf too fast a jump into summer.  I hope you are enjoying these rare days of what we often call
 "the shoulder season". These days are just as precious for all their humble qualities.


barbara@sparrowavenue said...

I'm always impressed by the many beautiful pictures you manage to get in the wort possible conditions!

You must be right, I think, that you are the only one who would love to see the snow again, especially after the slog you had of it!!

barbara@sparrowavenue said...

in the worst, not the wort

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