Thursday, 1 June 2017

field and garden

This has been one of the most beautiful, and pleasant I might add, springs I have ever experienced. Not a lover of intense summer heat, I have no problem putting on a light jacket to go outside. Often in the midday sun, one doesn't even need that. Just mild and pleasant with a few interludes of wind and/or rain.
An outing earlier in the week gave an opportunity for an encounter with a barely 8 week old Pit Bull puppy, newly taken from his mother and home. He trembled violently when we met so we promptly left him to acclimatize with his new family, dear baby.

Sidelined from our renovating, Wally assembled the old IKEA unit from my former gallery in my sewing room (originally our guest room) now that we have decided not to expand into it with the master bedroom. Never quite on the ball, it occurred to me afterward that the wallpaper needed to come down and the room painted or another 5 years would go by. At least the unit is in an upright position now so that we can slide it around to get at various walls.

I've been waiting for a cloudy day to capture the colour of the lupins
growing in our end of the hayfield as sun tends to bleach out colour in photographs.

Imagine my surprise when I blew up this photo and found an unexpected visitor in it

Blown up some more, you can see the male pheasant checking me out

This is the hayfield cum lupin field directly out back

Here it is looking almost South
Here a Lupin, blooming from the bottom up

I turned back toward our nicely filled in boundary of maples and lilacs.
Wally has made a temporary arbour for the grapes that are interfering with my laundry line.
We must rethink their placement.

white lilacs

and lovely mauve ones. I love to bury my face in them, a cool scented pillow.

As I turn, the door of Forget-Me-Not Cabin and its namesake blooming all around.

I wander over to our herb garden,
lemon thyme on the far left, sage in the middle and lots of parsley on the right

The sage has lots of flower buds

a sage bud up close

the compost garden 

Wally's vegetable garden with its tepee set up for peas.

at the foot of the tepee, a lupin comes back in this corner of the garden every year.

The exotic flower bud of a lupin

Straight rows of little seedlings


mesclun lettuce


possibly cilantro (I must ask Wally)

We have a berry patch beyond the vegetable garden. Here are blueberry flowers.

the bell of a blueberry flower

back down to the corner of the vegetable garden nearest the cabin a poppy comes back every year

We'll have a few blossoms this year with these babies nestled deeper in the plant

more forget-me-nots and creeping Charlie by the hedge

the rhubarb is so happy on this corner on the cabin

On my painted cabin doors, I spy a little spider and a loose hair from my paintbrush.

As I walk towards the back door I get a shot of the ash tree, its leaves slowly filling in.

By the unfinished walkway between front and back yards, the allium is blooming

More of a reddish violet, my camera cannot seem to grasp the subtle difference

and yet here it does a great job on the backlit Japanese maple leaves

the spiral opening of a morning glory sepals around a tiny bud

This post might have been over with that last photo

except in the aftermath of last night's rain

we had another surprise visitor

this perky little chipmuk

who found he liked Wally's apple ladder

for eating flower buds, grooming!

such a charming little visitor

and off he goes...

as do I

thank you as always for dropping by

a sweet June to you!


Jeanne-Sylvie said...

Nature is so beautiful at this time, everything blooming, abundance of colors and scents, explosions of life and greenness. I love the lupins, they were my favorite flowers when i was a child. Oh the poppies, among my favorites , it is so good to see them blossoming in the fields inspite of al the pesticides that have been spread.I love them all, the wild ones as well as the ones we plant.
And the lovely little chipmunk, it is a delight to observe such a gracious creature.
Thank you my dear for sharing all the beauties of your corner of the world!!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

Thank YOU Jeanne-Sylvie, you who always find time to express your appreciation. Like you, it is important to me to be away from pesticides, herbicides, the whole gamut. We are so lucky to live with so much NATuRAL wonder.

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