A rainy day today with spring having made a definite foothold here in the Annapolis Valley. The lilies that Wally had so wanted up in time for my sister's visit are resolutely pushing their way up, as are other bulb plants like the tulips and daffodils. Knowing the heat that is to come (now that I've been informed that Kentville is nicknamed "Hell's Kitchen"), I'm glad of the cool temperatures for a little while longer.
Next in a series of travel pictures are a few from our trip to Peggy's Cove. Coincidentally, my sister has just posted her photographs of our visit there so have a look at her unique perspective!
The land approaching the Sea becomes more rugged,
supporting life that can live on the thin, windswept soil
Eventually the trees give way to all but a few natural bonsai, stunted by the harsh conditions
Now the landscape is more barren and only the hardiest survive.
A huge boulder stands as a lonely sentry on the hill.
I'm a softie for the micro world of the barrens' floor, amazed by the fabulous colour
Now we are nearing the town, but still it is wild and rough terrain, the sea roaring beyond.
Wally gives scale to the rocky scape
Again my eye is cast down, as much for footing as for beauty
I love seeing my sister so happy; she thrives on the ruggedness of nature
It pleases me to see her in her natural environment
though I'm sure she'd love a few more trees and some...HEAT!
and now we've come into the little town of Peggy's Cove
Where you can't take a bad picture
These boats were here I think 5 years ago when we first came out here
Left to rot for the tourists...
I made this shot in sepia just to see what someone else's photos might have looked like 80 years ago,
A calm harbour on a Wednesday, only 2 weeks ago... and yet, it feels like another lifetime.
The sharp transition at the breakwater that separates the crashing waves from this cozy bay
The sea roils beyond
I will have more shots to share of this intensely wonderful place, but not until next week. In the meantime, I have finally carved some time out for playtime in the studio and hope to have something to share with you next time I post.
Keep your little harbour calm