Thursday, 22 December 2016

h a p p y h o l i d a y s

Well, howdy do- it's Thursday already! The wind up to Christmas is upon us, and how apt that it should fall on a Sunday this year- and that...

Santa should be riding in on a Saturday night!

We've had a pleasant time during the prelude

decorating the tree and listening to holiday music

I take so much pleasure in the magical aspects

stories and memories shared with friends

and the love

the love

the wisdom of joy

the synchronicity of like minds

and the mischief maker who likes to knock ornaments off the tree
(What's that I see behind the chair's back leg?)

H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S

and whatever you do

find peace in your heart


barbara@sparrowavenue said...

lots of new decorations, I see.
Have a Happy one!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

thank you and you as well

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