Monday, 12 December 2016


The twelfth. How often do we get to use 4 consonants in a row? How many 7 letter words only have one vowel? English is a delightful old thing.

Our kitschy artificial Christmas tree is up and decorated with every little ornament I could find including a few new ones.  Our kitty, Muji,  posed very nicely for me as if he, too, was artificial- as I worked seemingly forever on getting the right exposure.

Just try to get Babu to hold still while I capture my two boys together.
This is Babu's best imitation of haunting the Christmas tree.

Just a brief post today. It is snowing like the Dickens- okay, I have to look that up...

"This phrase has nothing to do with Charles Dickens. Dickens is a euphemism, specifically a minced-oath, for the word devil, possibly via devilkins. Shakespeare used it in 'the Merry Wives of Windsor, 1600: I cannot tell what the dickens his name is my husband had him of."

and that's what I mean about English!

And thus my 50th post this year. Not my most fruitful year for posting. The last time I did 50 posts was in 2011. But I have 19 more days til the end of the year and I'm sure I'll have more to share with you in that time.

Til then, have a lovely, loving, loveful day


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