We got a good little snowfall on Monday, as scheduled - about 8 inches- and as is often the case, Tuesday was sparkly with higher pressure and sun.
It put us in a good mood. Babu was especially happy.
He wanted some playtime even though I caught him settling in for his after breakfast nap.
He began to roll
and twirl
and whirl
his kitty way of inviting me to play
Muji is too sober for such tomfoolery
Now here's some more English etymology (carried over from yesterday's post).
The name Tom (from Thomas) has been used for centuries to designate 'male' as in tom cat. During WW1, men on the front were known as Tommys, their guns- tommy guns.
First recorded in medieval times (1325-13750, it was considered great sport to watch the antics of insane people in asylums like Bedlam in London. The nicknames ‘Tom o’ Bedlam’ (used as the title of an old poem) and ‘Thome Fole’ were often used for male inmates who were favorites of the audience. ‘Tom Fool’ is first recorded in that same fourteenth century in reference to a Jester or a person who plays the part of a fool in various dramas. In Shakespeare's King Lear, Lear is accompanied by the Fool and Edgar (as Tom o'Bedlam) while he is going mad.
By the seventeenth century it was used more widely to mean a buffoon. The generic sense as simply 'a foolish person', either male or female, is first recorded in the early eighteenth century.
That's English for you.
This is the view out the window above Muji, the sky a piercing brilliance.
And what's it doing today? Raining of course. That's Nova Scotia for you.
Here's a little wip (work in progress)- my little bunny embroidery
being pieced together with various old fabrics from my sister.
thanks for peeking in
I'll continue stitching now.
keeping it light
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