And now it's Tuesday, another glorious summer day. Somehow August seems quieter as the summer winds down. And yet it is still "august", meaning respected and impressive. What is it all about if we don't stop and take notice of the enormity of its quiet, its self-effacing magnificence?
Basil and Cherry Tomatoes
The Cherry Tomatoes are ready now for impromptu snacking.
Our little pot of Dahlias on the same deck are thriving but looking quite raggedy as something else is clearly enjoying them too.
Last night I picked curtains of green beans for supper.
How I love knowing my food source is organic.
An onion flower head about to go to seed.
The peaches, protected by bird netting never looked so healthy.
The Harelson apples, by contrast, are falling before they've ripened into the redundant netting that we gathered around the trunk. They are infested again with the local blight- Codling moth maggots- yich!
beautiful shadows
The 3 roses are well past prime since blooming last week among the coral bells around the old tree stump. Against the garage wall are several hostas and that amazing "prehistoric" plant, the one where...
the flowers bloom out of a pod
(though these two buds somehow escaped the pod).
Bursting out of the pod,
they grow in a small bouquet.
Over on the black hollyhock buds by the composter, this fly plays with me, knowing how close I am yet flying back again and again to allow me to move in closer.
What a lovely weave of greens and mauves the clematis and the black hollyhock make.
More paint chip play, with faces this time, done in ink and pencil crayon with some white paint pen and washi tape. The black backgrounds went in last. Composition seems more complicated to me with multiple images, but I'm finally ready for the challenge.
Today I leave you with this quote by Alan Watts:
"You yourself are the external energy which appears as this universe.
You didn't come into this world;
You came out of it
like a wave from an ocean."
peace on earth
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