The cooler autumn weather has slowed the growth of things around here and our 10 cent red jewel cabbage that made it into an available pot has certainly grown larger than the seedlings behind it, but won't grow much more I suspect.
I would have shown you this picture first but I didn't want to shock you so soon with such a good close up of a hornet that sat on the uppermost leaves of the climbing hydrangea that still sits in its pot on the deck, propped near the door to prevent it from constantly falling over in the wind.
from a rather cool night before.
and closer still.
As I stepped off the back deck, the vegetable garden is looking somewhat spent as most everything is ripening. The hydrangeas are looking tired too, bowed from the rain a few days before.
Into the yard, I noticed lots of wild asters growing around the perimeter,
this one by Forget-Me-Not Cabin's old beat up garage doors that I painted in the spring,
The roses that Wally put into a new garden at one end of the cabin are budding profusely.
There are fading blooms on the other side of the same plant.
Lovely heirloom tomatoes are ripening.
and I'm overdue to pick some more green beans.
On his way to the garage, Wally catches sight of me.
"Hi honey."
I had to underexpose this daisy to pick up the detail in the petals
Beyond the rose garden is the rhubarb, then some wild asters, and the shipping pallet that Wally leaned in place to discourage the deer. Apparently they figured out a way in as the netting was pulled on our little peach tree, bending it over again, the remaining peaches gone
. At least we got some this year. Next year, a real fence!
There were more wild asters growing on the other side of the cabin
by the old door crying for some paint.
Turning, I look East by Southeast at the hayfield whose weedy clumps of goldenrod, milkweed, etc.
are growing faster than the grass.
The wild roses in our border have turned to rose hips.
I make my way over to the garage garden where, that huge plant with the funky yellow flowers, Ligularia Dentata, is still putting on a show. Wally wanted me to check out where he placed the silver pitcher that I didn't need but didn't want to give away.
We both got a kick out of seeing it in amongst the Sweet William.
Over by the composter that Wally made out of shipping pallets,
the clematis is still blooming wildly.
Their seed heads make fabulous starbursts,
an added bonus.
Beside them the "black" hollyhocks are nearing the end
as they grow from the bottom of their stalks upward.
A gorgeous green and gold fly perched sleepily on one,
even as the wind bounced the bloom up and down and sideways.
Such an exquisite creature with its orange eyes.
Just to the side of the composter, more wild asters.
Sweet peas are blooming on the other side of the composter.
Going back up the steps, I look into the composter which looks more like a flower box with its Echinacea, clematis and the wild asters poking up through the deck side
The Echinacea are faded, woven through with sweet pea vines.
looking down on this natural bouquet of wild asters.
You may remember that I bought an extra cheap box of Crayola coloured pencils that have turned out to be of mixed quality, but fun nonetheless.
This piece done in Crayola coloured pencils as well,
as well as this one.
I'm feeling a little impatient to finish this book that I am drawing these images in so that I can justify turning to better quality paper. I've got a history of not completing my sketchbooks. Better quality paper will actually enhance the appearance of these children's quality pencils, not to mention other media. Paper matters more than the materials sometimes, like the quality of a piano one plays on. Still, there is much to learn each time I set out to draw something. The beaver's face was a challenge with its unusual shape, certainly not bunny or squirrel like, but as you can see I gave up finishing this piece, a sign that something better is to come.
Thanks for visiting today. I hope your September is kind to you. It is something to be grateful for, a little bit of kindness.
How much i love the end of summer, after the abundance of the previous months, nature begins to decay and this process in itself has such a beauty. Enjoy this time to the most my dear Lorraine!
Thank you dear Jeanne-Sylvie. Your nature photographs take the beauty to another level. I look forward to seeing more one day.
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