Monday, 21 November 2011

X O X an ornamental tag

A wonderful Monday morning to you as it is here.  The sun is shining, for which I'm so grateful as I've been housebound for the last week -  and through the weekend -  putting finishing touches on the re-opening of my etsy shop.   It is exciting to go public again as I've gained so many of my followers through etsy.  Welcome to new follower Lori !  I'm always thrilled by this medium and the way one can connect with people from all over the world.  I suppose those of you who visit here are already well-steeped in the miraculousness of cyberspace, but for me it's almost as wild as ESP that I should be able to share my thoughts and pictures with you, and find you, in turn.

Today I put the finishing touches on this ornamental tag that I have put into my shop.
The photo transferred with some irregularities, which I feel added to the piece;  perfectly imperfect.

let us all go through the day with compassion and forgiveness for we are all

perfectly imperfect

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Enchanted Blue Planet on Etsy reopens

Well here we are on a Sunday night in November.  The 6 inches of snow from 2 days ago has melted and the sun even came out, but I was determined to meet my magical date commitment to myself to get my online etsy shop up and running again as I stitched the day away making little lavender stuffed pillow brooches.

Here is a detail of the 1.5  x  2 .25  inch Saw Whet Owl brooch I finished today.

It is irregular with its combination stuffing of lavender and polyfil, but I like it that way. 

It has been a great joy of mine investing so much time in drawing again in this medium of black crochet cotton freehand embroidery.  I love the rich black against the buff, richly textured natural linen.  It makes such a strong graphic statement and yet the "strokes" of thread are oddly out of my control as each stitch slips into the weave of the linen with an idiosyncracy that I can barely control, making me more of a participant and less of a leader.    I do get a kick out of this lack of control though I spent almost as much time today removing stitches as often as making them. 

More tomorrow...I hope.

Sunday, 13 November 2011



Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

 is what it's all about

the miracles...

please take the time to watch this video.  a big thanks to Jenny Mendes for passing this on.

A creative update next time.  'Til then, wishing us all personal and universal harmony.


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Oh, you want to hear yourself

It is Tuesday morning, 4 weeks since my last entry and 9 weeks since I put my etsy shop into holiday mode.   As the weeks have unfolded I have become more accepting of the fact that this electronic world that I have entered into has been somewhat other than I expected it to be.   Most of my visitors to this blog come from Google Images where they almost all land on my entry from last year: " This Very World is Paradise".   While I had hoped to create an audience for my creative work,  I am resigned to the fact that it is not going to happen unless I make a more commercial product, something I cannot bring myself to do after over 30 years in business as a potter and all the pretzelling I did to support myself.

So my little voice must continue to speak to myself.   As a friend once commented when I told her I was writing a short story, " Oh, you want to hear yourself."   And isn't that what our creative efforts are ultimately about though we assert we are trying to reach others?   Ultimately self-revelation, as my entry  (linked above)  illustrated,  is what it's all about despite our best efforts to connect with others.   Ultimately we are alone.  But do not despair.  While the scramble to be otherwise is illusion, we can and must learn from others.  Still,  these lessons must  pass through the filter of our own minds.  How often do we hear or see something new in what we have heard and seen many times before!  This is the relationship I feel compelled to work on and use this blog to share with you.  I hope you find merit in this and the few creative efforts that are worth recording here.


a frosty morning 4 days ago


a frosted begonia blossom


I took a teddy bear workshop on the last Saturday of October
and worked on my little bear through the week,  finally finishing him  the following Friday.


He's a wistful little fellow,  and a good listener.

I'm exploring little bears in other materials that are more readily available to me.
Let's see what comes of this week.

I have a tentative announcement to make, tentative because I realize how rarely I can follow through on commitments that are calendar-oriented.  But I have a special feeling for this date as it seems to be a magical number :

20 11 2011


On that day I will reopen my etsy shop for another experiment in selling.
There will be some new work there that I hope you will enjoy.

Till then, all best wishes for fulfillment of your hopes and dreams.