Sunday, 18 March 2012

sea creatures and a not-so-gentleman caller

Two weeks ago this morning I was flying out of Costa Rica after a holiday of dreams. Thank goodness for photographs to remind me of the delicious moments.

The tiny crabs that skittered sideways away from me as I walked the Pacific beach of Playa Grande in the northwest province of Guanacaste.


I became quite enraptured with them, their little eyestalks assessing every move I made.


And here is a little hermit crab in his adopted shell of a home, casting his herculean shadow.


On this same morning, early in our trip, we encountered hundreds of small jellyfish washed ashore, surrounded by the squiggly paths of blobby, milky white sea creatures that live in shells.  When my friend Connie accidentally stepped on a jellyfish, she felt its sting all day.  That kept me from going barefoot until I realized that this event never happened again in our 2 week stay.


Two wee jellyfish that found themselves a puddle at low tide
 in which to survive until the sea reclaimed them.

That evening after dinner a handsome stranger, only 5 inches long,  flew in with such gusto that he landed behind our outdoor refrigerator.   Attracted no doubt by the social atmosphere, he arrived fully dressed for an evening out but stayed politely out of the way (here clinging to the bars of our window-yes, theft is an issue here) until he flew into Connie's hair as she was sweeping up after the dishes were done.  She screamed and we all came running. That night we went to bed laughing..

Might we always go to sleep with a smile.



Stone Tree Studio said...

thanks for sharing these delights!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

Hi Elise,
Wish I could share the silky warm sea air and the roar of the waves and the fresh salty scent as I walked the beach as well.

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