Tuesday, 9 June 2015

temperate nature

It has been a most wonderful old-fashioned spring, the way I remember from my childhood, when spring was a definite season, separating the hoar of winter from the heat of summer.

Wally finally found time for his beloved garden, weeding in the midst of mowing the lawn.

He'd spent the morning trying to bring the back hedge down to a more manageable height,
but he couldn't span its breadth, it has grown so deep. You can see the errant branches that fan out from the middle.

Coming back in, I settled in my chair and found Babu in a playful mood 
with the catnip toy I recently found behind a dresser.

He tossed it about the room, teasing it

waiting for it to respond

provoking it again

and then suddenly he was behind me, laying on his back, reaching for where...

he'd tossed it behind the door to the vestibule

Here he's changed the game to trying to reach it under the door

and back again.

Later that afternoon I checked in on the garden. The large leafed hollyhocks are coming along,
as are the finer vined clematis.

I can see now, by this closer look, that the deer did, indeed, eat my pink tulip's leaves,
but fortunately it was a late bloomer and the deer were discouraged by Wally's adept placement of the pallette out back (see last post), so it could bloom undisturbed.

Looking out towards our parking area, and beyond the hedge to the road, the sun is setting.
Wally re-bandaged the Japanese Maple's branch when it came undone and it continues to do well.

The chives are blooming between the lemon thyme and the sage.

Looking east across the hayfield

At my feet some lupins about to bloom

A new patch dug in Wally's garden

Preparing quinoa tabbouleh for supper.in a bowl I made back in 1981

I've had to go vegetarian and amp up the Budwig muesli to an evening serving as well, to keep my one eye from clouding over. It is working.(Still no progress on the other.) The beginning of last week was so discouraging as my so-called "good" eye got worse, but I am encouraged now.

 Adding one more element to the program, i.e. cooking a separate meal from Wally's, keeps me on my toes as we continue to figure out what's going on with the cat's diet. We are still trying to keep up with the cilantro and vegetable juicing as well to quell Wally's possible heavy metal poisoning as he showed tremor's late last summer. Then there is the new focus on keeping his blood reading for pre-diabetes at bay. All these protocols are so healthy. I have had a few exciting side benefits that encourage me immensely and show that the extra effort pays off.

The biggest trick is to have a temperate nature of my own. The emotional ups and downs add an unnecessary layer to the extra work. I've known for years about the benefits of meditation, but rarely make a daily practice of it. The "freeze frame" that someone described this week is more what I do as the occasion requires. Still the intentional "sitting" with one's breath for 45 minutes, observing thoughts without judgement, releasing them back to the breath, is the most useful exercise I know.

I have 3 quotes I' like to share with you:

Aldous Huxley said, "Facts do not disappear just because they are ignored."

"I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves."
                                                                                                   Louise Hay

"We're all just walking each other home."
                                                  Ram Dass
My interpretation:
We cannot pretend that the stressors in our life are not real and important. But to identify them as thoughts changes their status from fact to opinion. That is how we change their relevance to our emotional well-being.
 Home is a state of mind. 


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