I'm starting to realize what a creative outlet this blogging has become. I look forward to it with as much anticipation as any other creative experience; the photography and writing for publication have surprised me possibly even because of the limitations I've set myself. Perhaps there is a clue there as to where I go next.
The northern sky at sunset as I walk on Friday evening
The blackberries are coming along
As are the Echinacea and Shasta Daises and Lamb's Ear
Sunday morning brought us more temperate weather and some serious cloud cover.
Bejewelled cobwebs
Magical Indian Pipe Fungi
If I knew I was going to post so many nature shots I might never have pursued this blog, never having perceived myself as a nature photographer. Maybe this is Wally's influence rubbing off, or maybe it's a new form of creative exploration disguising itself as procrastination. Either way, I'm fascinated with the results. Consider the possibility that there may be messages in each diversion, a new potential to uncover.
Breathe and feel this moment
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