Monday, 18 October 2010

new banner new doll


And here it is, that surprise I was anticipating . Such fun.  I hope you like the new banner as much as I do.  It was actually created months ago but I guess it was waiting for the right time to be born into this dimension.

  Maybe this strange painting doesn't look like it, but I'm in quite a celebratory mood and eager to try
                                                                         something new.

So along the same line, this little one came out.

And then, for a little variety, I tried some drybrush
 along with a watercolour wash for a lovely print quality I think.

All in all, it's been a satisfying day.

You may remember this little guy I first showed you in early June,
a linen Lavender Legs doll I made  in May.

And his sister, Lucille, who followed soon after.

Well, this Lavender Legs sweetie got her finishing touch, some eyelashes, this morning,
and she's ready for her debut.

A most gratifying day.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day could be like that.  And yet we have only to look in our hearts to find it waiting there, like a patient friend, the sweetest gift of all.




Stone Tree Studio said...

What a trio! I love your new doll (and the other two as well!) What a team they make together, and it's nice to see the sizes together because the new one is taller and I wouldn't have known it just seeing it on it's own. Really cool paintings too!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

I'm so pleased they speak to you. Your comments are most welcome!

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