I think today, the 7th, is a good a time to make my little announcement. It is a huge step for me, as it appears that more folks are finding this little blog of mine through their Google search for images of Persian pottery or snow-covered trees ( pictures that have appeared earlier on this blog ) than are particularly interested in my work. ( I would so love to hear from more of you.) So my announcement has the hollow sound of an echo chamber as I meekly offer my work for sale on-line starting this Friday, a date I picked for its magic numbers:
I would like to make a celebration by making a draw for a special gift for those who leave their comments and e-mail addresses ( so that I may contact the lucky winner ) over the next 5 days, that is, Monday to Friday at midnight EST. Tomorrow I will post a picture of what I plan to give away. I can only imagine that you might be as shy as I have been about coming forward, but I assure you that I would be most grateful to hear from you.
You might be interested to know that I, like many, began this blog as a way of reaching out to a community of like-minded people. I spend much of my time alone; conceptualizing and creativity, reading and listening to music, and this little bit of writing are what mostly fill my days... if you don't include housework. If there is anything that you would like to share with me along these lines, I would welcome your input in the space below where 'comments' can be left. Let's consider this a golden opportunity!
With my love and gratitude
so glad to have found your Blog!
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