Saturday, 29 August 2015

the end of the rainbow

We've had several foggy mornings. Here is another. They tend to burn off in the morning sun and the days heat up with the extra humidity. It's been a bit much and keeps me housebound. But lately the nights are cooler. Here are some pictures from August 22 that I meant to post.

Oh well, as usual, better late than never....
Muji looking out at the foggy backyard
Babu is too sleepy to rouse himself but knows I'm there
 the strange light and morning bird calls

catch his attention

a little groggy still
but ready to invite some love in a little rollover
(if you find this an invitation, then you know cats)

Then, the possible movement of wings

passes through his amazing cat's eyes

to that reptilian brain, the one that catches movement instinctively

The Mighty Hunter
Later, we find Muji engaged in

kitty mind control

Flexing his toes shows how desirous he is

of the love he craves, my little Love Monster
All this while I try to get a good exposure of another monster,
one I did in coloured ballpoint pens at hand, a kind of meditation,
that I call "Guardian"
Fascinated with the fog, I continue to take pictures, now through the trellis that holds the ranging hollyhocks, as I look towards the bowed Hydrangea

My favourite fan of trees, over the hedge and across the hayfield in the dying light

and then the peachy sky before dusk

and what's this!

Forget-Me-Not Cabin at the end of the rainbow!

A glorious gift
Let us always be the vessel for these chance "pots of gold"



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