Thursday, 2 February 2017


Who'd a thunk! Our forecast of 1-3 cm. (barely an inch) turned into a lovely 5 to 6 inches of snow.

beautiful, wonderful 


This morning I stepped out the back door, careful to avoid the drips from the leaky eaves trough,
thrilled with the lacy pattern it made in the receding snow

The hydrangeas wearing their winter caps

casting lollipop shadows

pattern and texture

and more pattern in crosshatch

the view from upstairs, beyond the hayfield with vapour rising from the little river in the ravine

and a mixed media play day with watercolour, fountain pen and Sharpie paint pen

what a love-ly way to start February.

peaceful thoughts, pulling the moment up short with conscious breath
keeping it light

l i g h t


Jeanne-Sylvie said...

Thanks to your beautiful photos of snow my day ends well! Oh, the hydrangeas patterns!!Don't know if we'll have some snow before the end of the season, just some flakes would make me happy.We'll see..
You did a great job with these beautiful naïades, love your colors!!And the way you drew their hair too, that's something i am not good at.
Thanks for this lovely post, take good care of you, hugs to the kitties.

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

Jeanne-Sylvie, you spoil me with your kind attentions. Hugs delivered :)

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