Friday, 7 October 2011

Lap 2 at Killbear

Tuesday afternoon in Killbear Provincial Park...what a day.

Walking the sands of this beautiful beach on Georgian Baywould have been enough.

But as we approached this rugged point, Wally asked if I was up for the climb.  I surely was!

Looking back at the point we walked earlier from this vantage was satisfying.

Even more so the higher we got.

The ancient rock, the old white pines, a gentle breeze, the sun lower in the sky...
this quintessential Canadian afternoon....we were content.

I will have more to show you tomorrow as I have a very slow blogger connection today and must go.

A peaceful time of introspection as we give thanks for what we have co-created in our lives.
Alone or together, we must focus on that centre spot inside where we are all united in harmony.


Stone Tree Studio said...

Beautiful photos of a gorgeous place :) So glad you were able to get away and explore!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

It certainly was a refreshing change and I highly recommend immersing oneself in new and wild places, especially when you have your own pillow to return to. How much more we appreciate both.

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