Thursday, 31 December 2015

Sweet Dreams

Happy New Year's Eve !
Do you find yourself marvelling at the feeling of sitting on the precipice of a New year?
It all seems so surreal, and then, suddenly, you're in it, nothing surreal about it all
 for the magic of being alive,
this being who never was
 and now IS!

That's what art is about for me, the creation that never was, and now is. That I get to be a part of it, a conduit, of its making is pretty outrageous when you think about it, which of course, one cannot do-think about it- when one is in the middle of it.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

As I sat this morning, playing with my new Manuscript calligraphy pen, I found to my surprise

that I could add water to my drawing for a watercolour effect
as the "ink" is not waterproof
Then I added some gold from a Sharpie permanent marker
whose ink is waterproof

This was a pleasant surprise to see such a delightful character come out of my pen

She appeared after I drew
The Bear With the Golden Pumpkin

The characters all together
(perhaps that's fictitious me in reverie with a book in one hand and a "cuppa" in the other-
or perhaps it is me in every character as I've often heard said.)
I hope this is a year full of lovely magic for you
I hope you understand that ultimately
we're all in this together
along for the ride.
Here is a pretty rendition of
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes"
written by Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston, Mack David
and played by Adrian Holovaty from Chicago
Happy New Year
Sweet Dreams


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